I'm still in a sleep haze, despite my two giant mugs of coffee, 9 hours sleep, it's almost mid-day and I have good hair today.
Yesterday was a great day, I got lots done at work, I was eating clean and there wasn't a craving in sight. The evening was rushed, which got me into a bit of a grump and I had pasta for dinner which made me bloat like a puffer fish, but once I got to the gym I was feeling good. It was leg day, which is probably my favourite muscle group to work, simply because you can rack up heavy and feel like a badass!
I had forgotten we were taking measurements, it had been 7 weeks since the last ones, and I have been keeping track now since the end of September. It's great as sometimes when you can't see your progress and are reaching for the donuts, the figures can remind you that you've got this, and you are progressing *put down the donut*.
In total I have lost 3.75inches and am super happy with my progress! Especially as 1 whole inch was lost from my waist *high 5*
But I also had a look through my old blog posts and I found my fitness goals (find it here) written in October 2014 - so obviously this was forever ago, and I should have completed them all, but I was still very happy to see that I had more than achieved the 3 goals I had then set myself. So today I am going to be pondering to set myself 3 more - and am hopefully not going to take 18months to reach them.
Hope your day isn't as slow as mine today, and that you are too reaching your goals 1 step at time, if you don't yet have any why not set yours today too and we can move forward together!
Much love
Carla x
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