Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Wedding Wednesday | So Much To Do, To Say I DO!

It makes me very un-chilled to think when I purchased this it read 192 days!
Even when trying to arrange a very low key, no frills wedding there is so much to think about, and do, and arrange, and pay for, to just try and ensure everything comes together in this one little day.
I feel like its one step forward, two steps back at the minute. I have a friend also arranging a wedding and we are constantly saying to each other - Ooh I didn't even think of that and scribbling something else to the list.
But what I have got sorted within the last week or so is the flowers, make up, confetti, tables and chairs.
(tick, tick, tick, tick, tick!) 
As we are having our reception in a beautifully rustic untouched barn (I know right, how original) we have to provide the tables and chairs and the difference in prices for exactly the same table in chairs was ridiculous.
Same with my hair jewellery (ooh cryptic what might it be...) The item I wore and adored whilst trying on my dress was over £100 more expensive than the exact same item I purchased elsewhere. It's frustrating that company's feel they can hike up the price because its being worn on "your big day"
Confetti - wasn't even something I had on my list, and was purchased from a lady via a wedding Facebook page
Side note: Best tip going is to join every Facebook Wedding Page going, from table decoration to wedding dresses, it's all on there! anyway what I was actually saying is the confetti is actual frickin flower petals! Amazing.
So this weekends tasks to tick off are VERY exciting
1. Suits      
2. Band       
3. Rings      
I'll keep you updated on how we get on, wish me luck!
Much love
Carla x

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