Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Dear Diary...The Secret To Motivation Is Happiness*

Guess who got her mojo back?!

*Warning it’s a long one...but there are cute pictures so its totally worth it!
Not gonna lie, I’ve been on a downer these last few weeks. Its such a poopy spiral, and you get stuck in a rut and its a bugger to get out of! I’ve been stressed, tired, and grumpy (Oh man I was grumpy!) But it slowly affected everything, I stopped wanting to go to the gym, this made me feel crappy, which meant I couldn’t be bothered and just wanted comforting, quick and easy (always very unhealthy) foods and then that in turn affects my mood more, meaning I don’t want to go do anything that takes any effort, and eventually you end up every evening sat on the sofa in your PJ’s with a bag of sweets, having just eaten a kebab, watching QI, 8 out of 10 cats, then family guy and dreading the next working day...ooh what a life!
Well as you can see I had truly lost my mojo, I was fed up of feeling fed up! and with my holiday fast approaching  (eek 9 weeks!) I really would like to get back into that gym and kick my butt so I can rock my bikinis with a little more confidence J - you would think the holiday itself would be enough drive to get my butt off the couch, but it would seem I needed more, something a little more instant. I love the following quote:
This is SO true, you have to find something in every day to keep you feeling good, whether that is you have eaten well for that day, beaten a personal best in the gym or simply love the outfit you have put together that morning. Just something that gives you a little spring in your step, it makes all the difference. And happiness creates happiness, once your on a roll you’re sorted and the good vibes just keep on coming – your also more resistant to those little negatives, that on a bad day would have had you pulling your hair out and hunting the cupboards for that bar of galaxy that you hid from yourself!
Well my mojo started to creep back last Friday when my fiancĂ© started talks of getting a dog! We have wanted a dog for forever, but he wanted a large dog and realistically we don’t have the time or space for a large dog, so I was basically biding my time until he decided he also would like to get a small dog. We both work full time (hear people gasp at considering leaving a dog all day!) and needed something that fit in with our lifestyle, without compromising the dogs lifestyle. That evening we found a puppy and the next day she was ours...we always do this, plan out a hundred times all the small things and then when it come to the big jump in with both feet on a gut decision. Also has anyone EVER gone to view a puppy and not come away with it? I doubt it, and if you have I would question your ability to love...that's a bit harsh, but still question it! So now we have a beautiful Shih Tzu x Toy Poodle named Luna, and she is the cutest puppy I have ever laid my eyes on! Take a peek:

Oh ma gaad!! she makes my heart just want to explode with happiness.
This got the mojo a flowing, next was a trip to see my personal trainer, the beautiful Carly Rowena. I had missed breakfast, eaten barely anything, drank nothing but a cup of coffee, had not completed my food diary which Carly had asked me to do the week before and was seriously not up for a butt kicking! I had forgotten my sports bra & to epilate my underarms (TMI!) so had to rush to NIKE (bra) and Boots (razors) where i (of course!) got stuck behind the slowest of people on the tills, all of this prior to my session, so was a bit mentally exhausted before we even got going. Then something just clicked, I decide I was going to make this session count! No idea what it was, I was given the choice of rower or the treadmill (my nemesis!) and decided to go for the treadmill....:-O even Carly was shocked! THEN I breezed (that maybe an exaggeration) my usual 10 min jog/sprint workout, even with Carly upping the intensity because I had yet to complain (biatch!) Seriously this was a big big deal, I have never yet completed  this without begging for a break in the middle or my body claiming it was going to die on me. But did it stop there...oh no no, I then smashed my PB at dead lifts, doing 3 sets of 50KG!! Thats nearly as much as I weigh! And the energy just kept on coming, I had my best ever work out session with Carly and left feeling super proud and gleaming from ear to ear. Carly made me giggle with her comment “I’m so proud of you I’m going to tweet you!” haha.  To top that off I found a fiver in the car park whilst looking for my car...winner! (when I say looking, I mean looking...i always forget to check which level im on in the car park!)
So now im on a super high, with all of that I have the motivation to ensure im eating healthy which keeps me fuelled to push myself with my fitness which keeps my body happy, I have my perfect little family when I get home which keeps my heart happy, I now have the motivation to start writing up blog posts again (ta da!) The only grey cloud in my life is work, and that can kiss my butt at the minute, I'm too busy being happy to let it bring me down. Also I have my daily visit to see Luna at lunchtime to wade off daily blues. It’s easy to say and difficult to do, but leaving your work stresses behind at 5pm is something that everyone should try and work towards as nobody needs stress in their life.

So there we have it, I conclude I have discovered the secret to motivation, and its happiness...too cheesy?  
So thats me downloaded as Kay would say! (personal joke) this blogging malarkey really is therapy for the soul!
Until next time chow from one very happy Carla!
To find daily updates on my life, or just lots of cute pics ad videos of Luna come find me on Instagram and Twitter!


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